3D Golf Biomechanical Golf Coaching
A Complete Understanding Of How Your Body Moves During Your Golf Swing
Increase Your Club Speed | Make Efficient Golf Swing Improvements | Injury Prevention
The SwingLab at Performance Golf has the world's most enhanced golf analysis technology - SwingCatalyst 3D Motion Plate, AMM & K-Vest 6DOF to provide you with analysis of your swing biomechanics and movement patterns with data on ground forces, body, arm, hands and club movements in addition to kinematic sequence.Real-time position and orientation of various parts of the body (head, shoulders, arms, hips, hands, club, etc.) are collected during your swing all in 6 dimensions. Chris integrates this with SwingCatalyst 3D Motion plate and TrackMan. This environment is then used to provide you with biofeedback training which enables you to develop your own personal “feel” to help with the adaptation process.
Understanding How You Move
High performance players need to obtain high levels of skill, power and longevity without incurring injuries. Biomechanical analysis of your swing can be compared to an MRI scan which precisely identifies areas of weakness in form, mobility, stability and power. Its looks beneath the visual aesthetics of the swing which are very often misleading. It makes the invisible visible. Chris will be able to guide you to harness your natural power production, eliminate and anticipate potential injury risks and consistency issues.
Identifying The Cause
Is it a physical limitation or a movement pattern issue or both? These are the very questions that need answering before attempting to make changes. If the body is physically unable to create the movement, the body's reaction will be to simply create an alternative movement with a path of least resistance. If this has been identified as the issue then function and mobility needs to be addressed first. However, if the outcome of a screening shows that the body can perform the movement then the issues are movement patterns that will need to be corrected.
Corrective Programs
Adapting to change requires feel. Feel cannot be taught because each one of use feels movement differently. To overcome this problem Chris implements biofeedback tones which tell you when you are moving correctly and therefore enabling you to generate your own feeling of the correction.
ALL services offered are non-refundable once the booking has been made. All bookings can be rescheduled subject to 24 hours notice prior to the appointment being given.