Why you need to be fitted correctly for a L.A.B golf putter by a certified fitter

The success of putting depends on one gauging the correct speed of the putt, the correct ‘read’ of the putt, and finally starting the ball on the line chosen. This last part ( starting the ball on the line chosen) is 83% achieved by returning the putter face to “square” in order to the start line at impact. That’s not an opinion; it’s science. The other 17% is influenced by the path of the putter head. Given this fact, it makes logical sense that your putter enables you to achieve this, without unnecessary extra effort.
The success of putting depends on one gauging the correct speed of the putt, the correct ‘read’ of the putt, and finally starting the ball on the line chosen. This last part ( starting the ball on the line chosen) is 83% achieved by returning the putter face to “square” in order to the start line at impact. That’s not an opinion; it’s science. The other 17% is influenced by the path of the putter head. Given this fact, it makes logical sense that your putter enables you to achieve this, without unnecessary extra effort.

When one is manually doing something, which requires absolute precision, the central nervous system will be working in hyperdrive. Our ability to compensate, correct, or adjust in order to maintain stability over the putter, and to produce the stroke; balance, harmony and flow is required between you and the putter. Any juddering, or conflict between you and the putter during the stroke, will distract one’s concentration, and hinder one’s ability to glide the putter smoothly, and return the face to square. Therefore, it makes logical sense to use a putter that has a putter face engineered to be square without the need for you to manipulate the face to deliver it square.
Proven to be true, using a device appropriately named “the revealer”, the majority of putters are shown to require some form of manipulation in order to produce a “square” putter face at impact. This is due to the putter head not being balanced, and therefore randomly rotating on the shaft’s axis.
This link is a video that provides visual evidence of this https://youtu.be/B_8gdu1saeI?feature=shared.
Lie Angle Balance (L.A.B.) Technology makes it effortless for one to deliver a square putter face at impact because it keeps the putter face square to the arc throughout the stroke. It moves one away from the effort of manipulating the face to return it to square, and instead allows one to apply the effort in gliding the putter, picking the right line, the right speed, and making your natural stroke. With no adjustments to make during the stroke, one can be confident that one's putts will roll exactly where one is aiming.The importance of the correct lie angle is so that a correct setup is produced to create a neutral putting arch.

Through an in-person fitting, by Chris Brook, who is a certified L.A.B. Golf fitting expert, Chris will determine the exact length, lie angle, grip, shaft type, and visual alignment marking necessary to take one’s putting game to new heights. From there, he will build the putter to order with using their proprietary Lie Angle Balancing process, which ensures that the putter is Lie Angle Balanced to one's stroke.